Wednesday 14 September 2011


The MARCHE and BCF Golf Day was held on 13th July at The Belfry

Rob, Don & Ray from UCB enjoy a pre-golf breakfast

Ivor and Graham from BHCA set off on their round

Mark Blake presents winners Neil Smith and Stuart Boyle with the MARCHE Golf Shield

And the winners were ...

3rd Paul Anderson & Tony Butler, Gram UK
2nd Ivor Marsh & Graham Robinson, BHCA
1st Neil Smith & Stuart Boyle, The Belfry

Best score for team with both players with handicap of over 20

James Roberts & Sue Blake, Lea Marston Hotel

Nearest the Pin on the 3rd Tim Barker
Nearest the Pin in 2 on 7th Peter Allen
Nearest the Pin in 3 on 12th Phil Dobson
Longest Drive 18th Ryan Grigg

Huge thanks to Mark Blake for organising another great golfing day!