Wednesday 18 May 2011

Tourism Statistics

The British Hospitality Association has recently published the latest tourism statistics and here they are for your info : : 

29.6 million inbound tourists to the UK
(Down 1%)

£16.7 billion spent in the UK by inbound visitors
(Up 1%)

55 million outbound British tourists heading elsewhere
(Down 5%)

£30.8 billion spent by outbound British tourists
(Down 1%)

And VisitEngland have a lot to say on the subject of the "Economic Downturn" and have recently published the results on their study The Staycation: 2011 & Beyond ~ it's not an Urban Myth ~ the Staycationers drove an uplift in holidays taken in England during 2009 and 2010 and it looks set to continue for 2011 and beyond!

The conclusions derived from the VisitEngland study are as follows : :
(these are taken directly from the VisitEngland Study)

Pessimism about the economy  and about consumers personal financial situation has increased in the last 6 months and the degree to which this is realised is bound to impact behaviour in 2011

The Staycation continued in 2010 with 2 in 10 consumers taking a break in England who would otherwise have been abroad.  This is mainly due to financial reasons but also because of the positive appeal of taking an "England" break (yippee the marketing is working!)

2011 holidays are likely to be similar to 2010

Once through the recession, people expect to start taking trips abroad again, but that is unlikely to be at the expense of an England holiday which are also expected to increase.  It is the 4 - 7 night trips that are going to be the key battleground.

18 - 34 year olds and families in particular are likely to keep taking their hols in England and (this is the great bit) their reasons for doing so are to explore new places and have hassle-free holidays so the VisitEngland message is to tap into this market with communications to convert intent to action, but remember "value perceptions" are still a challenge.

For more details on this information, do have a look at the VisitEngland Study

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